My Boy Joe

Easter. Family. Farm | via

Easter. Family. Farm.

When life gets stressful for me, I always find the farm a very helpful place to get away. Is it the sense of calm that descends as we drive down the very familiar driveway, lined with decades-old trees and farm fields near and far to the eye? Is it because no matter how old I get […] Read more…

Joe at U of MN's Ferguson Hall | via

The weekend before … the big week.

When I leave the house on Monday morning, I will be heading into Saint Paul for what is easily my busiest week of the year. It’s almost time for the 2015 Midwest Poultry Federation Convention, an event our office spends months planning for and the thing that accounts for probably 75% of my workload from […] Read more…

Joe Man | via

Sunday Night Summation

You guys. It’s supposed to hit 55 degrees tomorrow. 55 degrees! That makes Monday seem almost … celebratory. But first, a quick recap of the past week: My post on Wednesday – Food Shaming – went fairly ballistic for me and I was excited to see it shared by so many people! If you haven’t […] Read more…

Cousins! via

Weekend: Family Time & Dance Competitions

I’m sitting in the porch tonight, assuming my blog writing position. Which means: slippers on, dog at my feet, quilt keeping me warm, Joe sharing the couch with me, and Madam Secretary tuned in on the television. Joe and I love Sunday night and wish it would last longer. 🙂 My sister-in-law, Judy, and our […] Read more…

There's a chance this is wine coffee mug | via

High Five for Friday!

Welcome to Friday, everyone! Or as we say around here … the 3rd straight weekend of Joe’s birthday. It’s a bit ridiculous, actually, but because of various schedules and other activities, we’ve already had two birthday celebrations and now this weekend he’s FINALLY having a good friend of his over for a birthday sleepover. After […] Read more…

The Birthday Boys & Girl | via

Weekend Mishmash

This past week was a bit of a whirlwind, thanks to a business trip to Atlanta that took me away from home on Joe’s birthday (last Monday) and back on Thursday. I’m not a big fan of missing my son’s actual birthday because of work; however, it has only happened once before in 11 years, […] Read more…

High Five For Friday!

This has been a tough week. I won’t get into details, but suffice it to say, my entire work week was turned upside down so what I expected to get done early this week, didn’t happen. That left me playing catch-up, which this time of year, is a scary prospect. This is my busiest time […] Read more…

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