My Boy Joe

My Girl Morgan | via

Weekend Snaps | Kid Swap Edition

Another weekend is almost in the books and we spent ours swapping kids. Come again? It was fall break in school and Joe was fortunate to be asked by a good friend of his to accompany his family to Lake of the Woods, which is in the far northwest corner of Minnesota – a good […] Read more…

Animal Print Heels | via

High Five for Friday!

Thursday night has commenced and it’s just Joe and me around home tonight. Teacher Man has his second night of parent-teacher conferences this week so he will be rolling in later, presumably exhausted but no less excited about the weekend coming up than we are. Here are the Thursday night particulars thus far: Pizza: Domino’s. (We […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | via

Weekend Snaps

How was your weekend? We had gorgeous fall weather here in Minnesota – sunny and 60s for temps, plus not too windy. While my favorite season is summer, I will say that October weekends like we just had are quite stunning. I only hope we have a few more of these days before the early stages of winter […] Read more…


High Five for Friday!

As we wind down at our house with pizza, wine, and football (oh, and some math homework) on a Thursday night, I am pleased that the weekend is almost upon us. I am also pleased that I will be getting a new Macbook Pro laptop for my office tomorrow as I am beyond tired of […] Read more…

Nars lip crayon | via

So I guess it’s my birthday.

I turned 47 yesterday. This is not, by the way, meant to be a big announcement of my birthday, although I suppose it kind of seems that way. Gifts completely optional, I promise. If you are (much) younger than this, you might automatically assume this means I’ve got my adult act together. Ha. This is actually […] Read more…

Middle School | via #backtoschool

Middle School.

This guy started middle school – 6th grade! – yesterday. He didn’t seem overly nervous about it. Yes, he was a little anxious, declaring it seemed awkward to walk down to the end of the street by himself to catch the bus. (He actually has never ridden the bus to elementary school; I have always dropped him off […] Read more…

Our State Fair Tradition | via MyOtherMoreExcitingSelf #MNStateFair

Our State Fair Traditions.

I’m going to admit something to you. Growing up, my family didn’t seem like we were really a “State Fair” kind of family. We didn’t go every year. We weren’t in 4-H so we didn’t have anything to show. We didn’t really miss the fair if we didn’t go. In Minnesota, this seems like a dangerous […] Read more…

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