It’s been a glorious fall weekend in Minnesota! Bright blue skies, light winds, temps around 70 … and thankfully no rain as we are still super soggy around here. I am pretty sure it couldn’t be more delightful.

Ironically, we’re all inside this afternoon watching TV because, well, the Ryder Cup is on and we’re a little – okay, a lot – obsessed. We were lucky enough to get a free pass to the practice round on Tuesday (the event is in Minnesota – just 45 minutes away from us) and it was amazing to experience the atmosphere and see the golfers. I share a few photos below. (And my apologies to my Facebook followers, as many of you have already seen these pics.)

On Saturday, we helped my nephew move into his new apartment and the first order of business was the get the TV in and set up so we could get golf on. 🙂 

So that’s all I have for you – beautiful weekend + golf. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have more golf to watch. Enjoy the rest of your day!


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The Ryder Cup entrance to Hazeltine National Golf Club in Chaska, MN.

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My coworkers (Erica, Teresa, and Steve – far right) along with Teacher Man and Teresa’s husband just after we arrived.

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Sergio Garcia from the European team during his approach shot on hole #10.

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Also on hole #10, U.S. golfers Phil Mickelson and Jimmy Walker chatted while Zach Johnson putted out.

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Teacher Man and I in between holes #2 and #3 as we were waiting for Bill Murray to come through in the celebrity scramble.

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And here’s Bill Murray along with Huey Lewis. 🙂

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Moving on to the weekend … here I am with my all-grown-up nephew, Davis, after we moved him into his new apartment. We took him to DB Searles for a Colorado Bulldog!

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And is this the perfect bachelor pad apartment or what? Pizza, beer, and water. What more does a guy need? 😉

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Just for fun now that we’re in October, here’s my coworker’s cat, Cooper. Isn’t he just the perfect Halloween cat?!

Have a great start to your week and see you again soon – hopefully for Turkey Tuesday if I can get organized. 🙂


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