You guys. It’s supposed to hit 55 degrees tomorrow. 55 degrees! That makes Monday seem almost … celebratory.

But first, a quick recap of the past week:

My post on Wednesday – Food Shaming – went fairly ballistic for me and I was excited to see it shared by so many people! If you haven’t read it yet, the Cliff’s Notes version is this: let’s all stop with the guilt around our food choices. I’m no better and no worse than anyone else, based on what I choose to feed my family. (If you missed the full story, click here.)

And while this all happening on my blog, something nasty called “highly-pathogenic Avian Influenza” was confirmed in a turkey flock in Minnesota. This is not fun for farmers, and it can sound scary to the rest of us too. Bottom line – this virus hits turkeys hard, but it’s NOT a food safety issue at all so keep buying turkey in the supermarket with confidence. If you want to find out why turkey farmers are working hard to keep their flocks safe and healthy, click here for my blog post on

Which brings me to the weekend. Ah, the glorious weekend.

On Saturday, Joe and I visited my sister’s place of work – a brand-new Carver County Library in Victoria. The new book smell was beyond amazing, but what Joe loved the best was his special behind-the-scenes tour of his aunt’s workstation and where all the books go after they get put through the book drop. Plus bonus: he could link his own library card (in a different library system) with the Carver County library’s system so now he can check books out at his aunt’s library, too. Score!

Joe with his Auntie Jodi at the Carver County Library in Victoria | via

As luck would have it, the library was right next to a cute little ice cream shop. Plus it was 40 degrees. So … a triple scoop of cotton candy ice cream was in order.

Triple Scoop | via

Saturday night, we had a little change of plans which left us with a free evening at home. Teacher Man and I took advantage of this by going out for a little happy hour date at a local bar, while Joe enjoyed some quiet uninterrupted video game time at home. If I recall correctly, his last words as we left the house were “Take your time!” 😉

Happy Hour | via

Joe Man | via

After dinner it was on to family movie night – and specifically James Bond movie night. We’re introducing Joe to all the old James Bond films, the latest being Thunderball. He is now learning about Bond Girls and cheesy one-liners.

Family Movie Night| Via

It’s Sunday night as I write this and we’ve had a pretty low key day around the house. Magically, we all slept in until almost 8:30 – practically unheard of for any of us. I got outside for a run this morning and Joe and I went for a walk after dinner tonight. I must say, we’re positively giddy about watching the snow melt into nothingness – Earl the Pug included! Looking at the extended forecast in Minnesota this week – 60s by Wednesday?!) – I have a feeling we will all be smiling tomorrow no matter what the day brings.

Have a great week!

– Lara –

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