University of Minnesota

Celebrate Ag & Food Day 2016 | via

Weekend Snaps | Gopher Football!

First, an important announcement to make … it’s my Mom’s birthday today! 🙂 We wish we could’ve been at the farm to help her celebrate, but Joe and I already had made a commitment to volunteer at an event at church so we connected via Facetime instead. Not optimal but it works in a pinch! […] Read more…

Minnesota turkeys in a barn

Wordless Wednesday: Turkey Tussle

Turkey tussle, anyone? A few years ago while coordinating the annual Thanksgiving Media Day for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association, I attempted to shoot a little video for our members, letting them know what was happening and thanking them for their assistance and support of this event. I had good intentions. Unfortunately, I had one […] Read more…

Keep Calm … and Go Hawks??

How was your weekend? Mine was a whirlwind! On Friday night, we made the 5+ hour trip down to Iowa City to visit my sister-in-law and her family, arriving just after 11 p.m. and welcomed with a beer for Teacher Man and glass of wine for me – much needed after driving through wind, rain, […] Read more…

Turkey Roll-Ups | via

Turkey Roll-Ups

I’m excited to share one of my favorite recipes ever – Turkey Roll-Ups! It’s simple but full of flavor and my go-to for get-togethers for sure. But first, I can’t tell you how happy I am to see Friday night. It’s not that I had a bad week – quite the contrary, I had a […] Read more…

10 Things I Worked On Today

Do you ever wonder what it is I actually do, day-to-day, in the office? If you’ve read some of my past blog posts or my About Me page, then you know I handle communications, social media, meeting planning and a myriad of other things for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and three other poultry-related organizations. […] Read more…

Laying hens

Does a Hen Need a Rooster?

I’m back to writing about chickens tonight … laying hens, to be specific. Last week the organizations I work for (Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota) participated in a special “Agriculture Awareness Day” at the University of Minnesota. The event – organized by a group of dedicated students in […] Read more…

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