Turkey Farmers

Turkey is Family via MyOtherMoreExcitingSelf.com

Turkey is Family

Hands down, one of my favorite business trips of the year for Minnesota Turkey is my annual trek to Washington DC in July. My boss and I take a group of our leaders –  mostly farmers and sometimes a student or two  – to our nation’s capitol to participate in the National Turkey Federation Summer […] Read more…

Antibiotic Use on a Turkey Farm | via MyOtherMoreExcitingSelf.com

Turkey Tuesday: Handling a Heat Wave

It’s been too long since I’ve written about turkeys. Blame it on a busy schedule, vacation days, summer … although if I’m completely honest with you, I’ve been a little burned out writing about agriculture. I’ve been feeling a little stretched thin, with commitments to this blog, my communications career at Minnesota Turkey Growers Association, […] Read more…

June is Turkey Lovers Month | via MyOtherMoreExcitingSelf.com #tryturkey #serveturkey #turkeyeveryday

Turkey Lovers Unite!

June signals many things, including the end of the school year and the beginning of summer, but did you know June is Turkey Lovers’ Month®? It’s true! I’m not just making this up because I, in fact, am a huge fan turkey – as you well know. June is Turkey Lovers’ Month® is a thing. Really. You can […] Read more…

Flock of Turkeys | via MyOtherMoreExcitingSelf.wordpress.com

The Worry and Work on Avian Influenza.

If you live in Minnesota and watch or read the local news, it’s been pretty hard to miss the almost daily reports of a deadline avian flu hitting turkey flocks in Minnesota. I’ve written about it for Agriculture.com (most recently here) but I haven’t covered it too much on my blog. It’s hard to put […] Read more…

I've Been Ignoring You.

I’ve been ignoring you.  I’m so, so sorry. I want to blog, I really do. I would blog every day if I didn’t have, well, a whole mountain of other responsibilities to take care of first. You know, things like a full-time job and family activities and picking up special dog food at the vet’s […] Read more…

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