Minnesota Turkey

Our State Fair Tradition | via MyOtherMoreExcitingSelf #MNStateFair

Our State Fair Traditions.

I’m going to admit something to you. Growing up, my family didn’t seem like we were really a “State Fair” kind of family. We didn’t go every year. We weren’t in 4-H so we didn’t have anything to show. We didn’t really miss the fair if we didn’t go. In Minnesota, this seems like a dangerous […] Read more…

Minnesota Turkeys

Why Raising Turkeys Indoors Makes Sense.

Last week, I debuted my first blog post for Successful Farming’s “Women in Agriculture” family of bloggers on Agriculture.com. I am beyond thrilled to be asked to contribute to this website on a regular basis and I’m humbled by the amazing women in my company. Does this solidify my status as an #agnerd? I believe […] Read more…

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