LuLaRoe leggings

Good-bye Summer | via

Good-bye Summer

I’m always a little sad to see Labor Day weekend come to an end. It signals good-bye to summer and hello to a more scheduled life complete with school activities, confirmation classes at church, homework, piano lessons, and a busy, busy office that seems to hit its stride in September and doesn’t look up until […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Flowers, Finery & Fun via

Weekend Snaps | Flowers, Finery & Fun

Here we are on the last Sunday in August. How did THAT happen? Teacher Man goes back to school tomorrow (it’s workshop week) and Joe has just one week of vacation left. While I know I will eventually be happy to get back on a regular schedule, I don’t think I’m quite ready for this yet. Not that […] Read more…

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Muffins | via

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Muffins

Another August weekend is in the books! We spent ours around home doing some yard work, enjoying an evening with good friends, and doing something Joe absolutely hates with a passion – shopping. School shopping, more specifically. I should’ve snapped a picture of his crabby expression in the Nike store – our first stop of […] Read more…

What I'm Wearing - LuLaRoe | via #HowIRoe #Leggings

What I’m Wearing | LuLaRoe

Life has been crazy busy since June so I haven’t had as much time to blog at all – much less blog any recipes (which take a little more time) or sneak in a Turkey Tuesday post – sorry about that! But it’s been a great summer so far, and we’re looking forward to a […] Read more…

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