family farm

Weekend Snaps | Easter via

Weekend Snaps | Easter

Happy Easter, friends! We spent Saturday and Sunday out at the farm, enjoying all sorts of good food and fun family time. In fact, I think photos, in this case, speak louder than words so I’m just going to share some snippets of our weekend. Miss Morgan received a life-sized bunny Easter card that was a […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Hometown Halloween via

Weekend Snaps | Hometown Halloween

Is it really November 1? It just doesn’t seem possible that we’ve got two months left of 2015 and we’re heading smack dab into holiday season. But alas, let us first review the highlights from Halloween weekend, which was spent in part on the farm with my family. 1) Cousins in costumes.Miss Morgan is almost […] Read more…

The heart of the family farm | via

The Heart of the Family Farm.

A week or so, I had the most vivid dream about my Grandma Anderson – or Grandma Inez (pronounced “Eye-niss”), as all of us grandkids called her. She passed away when I was 19, but I had many years of memory-making with her. Although my grandparents lived on their farm over two hours from me, […] Read more…

Easter. Family. Farm | via

Easter. Family. Farm.

When life gets stressful for me, I always find the farm a very helpful place to get away. Is it the sense of calm that descends as we drive down the very familiar driveway, lined with decades-old trees and farm fields near and far to the eye? Is it because no matter how old I get […] Read more…

Home on the Farm

This weekend we spent part of our time at “The Farm”, where I grew up. This is where my parents have lived for over four decades, and where my brother and his family also live. My parents built their house while I was a baby and we moved there from town when I was about […] Read more…