Egg Farmers

What’s Up with Eggs These Days?

Note from Lara: Here’s a post I wrote for this week and I felt it was worth the share here too. It’s reprinted with permission from Successful Farming/Meredith Corporation. Given the choice of $.99 a dozen conventionally-raised eggs or $5.99 a dozen cage-free eggs, which would you choose to buy for your family? If […] Read more…

Are animal activists calling the shots? | via

Are animal activists calling the shots?

I’ve been in a bit of a writing slump regarding agriculture topics. It’s not that I don’t enjoy writing about agriculture or the poultry farmers I know; I think sometimes I just get burned out dealing with the onslaught of misinformation, fear marketing, and flat-out false (and by that, I mean purposely false) information making […] Read more…

Bill Maher is Not an Egg Farmer| via

Bill Maher is not an egg farmer.

  It’s true. I know this may be hard to fathom for some folks, but Bill Maher – the comedian – is really not even close to being an egg farmer. He does, however, want you to think he knows an awful lot about raising egg layer hens, according to an opinion piece he wrote […] Read more…

Muffin Frittatas #eggs #goodeggproject | via

Easy Muffin Mini Frittatas

Confession: I’m not terribly good at making New Year’s resolutions. For the past several months, however, I’ve been on a bit of a mission to make sure I’m feeding my family a variety of foods and cooking more from scratch with fresh ingredients whenever possible. (Honestly, I think I blame this partly on Pinterest. I’ve […] Read more…

The Good Egg Project | via

A Good Egg.

I am thrilled to announce a new partnership I have with the American Egg Board to be a Good Egg Project Ambassador, along with several other bloggers! When asked if I would be interested, it took me all of, oh, I’d say five seconds to say yes. Given my background working with egg farmers and […] Read more…

Laying hens

Common Sense Chicken Truths

Full disclosure: I have been stewing a bit about a comment about eggs and laying hens I read on Facebook for at least a week now. If you are a regular reader of this blog, then you know I’ve written about eggs and the misconceptions about egg farming before – in fact, my post “Can […] Read more…

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