My Turkey Family

National Thanksgiving Turkey

National Thanksgiving Turkey Flock

You guys! I present to you the National Thanksgiving Turkey flock. It’s that time of year again … Thanksgiving. Turkey month.   And this year it’s doubly crazy for me because the National Thanksgiving Turkey flock is being raised in Minnesota. Two of the birds in the flock will be picked to travel to Washington DC […] Read more…

Turkey is Family via

Turkey is Family

Hands down, one of my favorite business trips of the year for Minnesota Turkey is my annual trek to Washington DC in July. My boss and I take a group of our leaders –  mostly farmers and sometimes a student or two  – to our nation’s capitol to participate in the National Turkey Federation Summer […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Farm Weddings via

Weekend Snaps: Farm Weddings

You guys! I have so many fun pictures from our weekend that this post may get a little obnoxious. We ended up having two wedding celebrations to attend – one on Friday evening and the other on Saturday. And of course they were 200+ miles apart … road trip! 🙂 Friday night was a party […] Read more…

Minnesota turkeys in a barn

Wordless Wednesday: Turkey Tussle

Turkey tussle, anyone? A few years ago while coordinating the annual Thanksgiving Media Day for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association, I attempted to shoot a little video for our members, letting them know what was happening and thanking them for their assistance and support of this event. I had good intentions. Unfortunately, I had one […] Read more…

I've Been Ignoring You.

I’ve been ignoring you.  I’m so, so sorry. I want to blog, I really do. I would blog every day if I didn’t have, well, a whole mountain of other responsibilities to take care of first. You know, things like a full-time job and family activities and picking up special dog food at the vet’s […] Read more…

Thanksgiving in Washington DC - #PresidentialTurkey13 | via

Thanksgiving in Washington DC: #PresidentialTurkey13

I apologize in advance that I’m not going to be able to write a completely coherent blog post about Thanksgiving week. I seriously am staring at my computer screen at a loss for the right words to describe my experiences last week in Washington DC. Thrilling. Hilarious. Exhausting. Surreal. Memories of a lifetime. How else can […] Read more…

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