
My Memorial Day Weekend Mash-Up.

So … the long holiday weekend was busy in a completely fabulous, hanging-out-with-my-family kind of way. A bike ride with my Joe Man to kick things off on Saturday morning. Beer tasting at Hayes’ Public House with Teacher Man, after I spent a gorgeously sunny Saturday afternoon puttering in my gardens and planting a ridiculous […] Read more…

#MyGirlMorgan | via

Sunday Night Miscellany.

How was your weekend? The last five days for us have been so much fun! And amazingly, even the weather took a turn for the better and today, we managed to make it over 70 degrees and it felt pretty incredible. I’ve got tons of photos to share so this post will be more visual than written […] Read more…

A Simply Perfect Mother's Day.

My Mother’s Day was perfect for many, small reasons. 1. Breakfast in bed. This has been a tradition in our house since Joe was old enough to help in the kitchen. Joe delivered an egg, over easy, on toast, a big bowl of fresh strawberries and a glass of cranberry juice – all while I happily […] Read more…

A Little Bit About My Monday.

Happy Monday, all! It was a gray, dreary, windy, cold and rainy spring day here – barely surpassing 40 degrees, not that I noticed or anything. The only saving grace on this ugly day is the fact that I can actually use my favorite umbrella! Of course, the real (read: lazy) pug in our house […] Read more…

Roads Traveled.

Note: I wrote this post last Sunday but didn’t have a chance to post it when I arrived in Florida. The picture below is of Joe and his cousin, Audree, not too long after we checked into our resort. 🙂 As I write this, I am traveling to the Florida Keys with Teacher Man and […] Read more…

My Baby Boy is 10!

I am quite sure Joe would be mortified to hear me call him “my baby boy” but that’s a mother’s prerogative. (Insert evil laugh here.) It’s his birthday today and he is now officially 10 years old. Double digits! Was it really 10 years ago that we headed to the hospital in the middle of […] Read more…

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