
Don't Judge Me. Don't Judge My Food. | via #foodtruths #factsnotfear

Please Don’t Judge Me. Or My Food.

Delve into my pantry, refrigerator, and freezer and you will find an assortment of food products and ingredients. I do a fair amount of home cooking, even on weeknights so I always have eggs (regular conventionally-raised eggs, by the way), meats (A LOT Of turkey, of course), pasta, bread, rice, seasonings, etc. at the ready. […] Read more…

Turkey Fugue with James Cordon and Matthew Broderick

A Turkey Theme Song.

This. Just this. A turkey theme song. It could be my life’s theme song right now with just a week or so to go before Thanksgiving. 🙂 Enjoy and #GobbleOn! Lara Other Thanksgiving posts: Photos from Thanksgiving Weekend 4 Thanksgiving Recipes Read more…

The Fight for Animal Agriculture | Who Wins? via #agchat

The Fight for Animal Agriculture | Who Wins?

(Lara’s note – I wrote this blog post for and am reprinting it here with the permission of the Meredith Corporation.) I have a teeny little confession to make. I think I’m burned out on writing about all the misconceptions and mistruths about agriculture. Those of you who know me well know that I’ve […] Read more…

What’s Up with Eggs These Days?

Note from Lara: Here’s a post I wrote for this week and I felt it was worth the share here too. It’s reprinted with permission from Successful Farming/Meredith Corporation. Given the choice of $.99 a dozen conventionally-raised eggs or $5.99 a dozen cage-free eggs, which would you choose to buy for your family? If […] Read more…

Turkey Labels 101

Hey guys – I wrote this post below for (I’m a #WomenInAg blogger) but I wanted to make sure I shared it here because I think it’s got some great basic information about turkeys. And it is Turkey Tuesday after all!  No recipe today, though – sorry about that! I was gone all weekend […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Farm Weddings via

Weekend Snaps: Farm Weddings

You guys! I have so many fun pictures from our weekend that this post may get a little obnoxious. We ended up having two wedding celebrations to attend – one on Friday evening and the other on Saturday. And of course they were 200+ miles apart … road trip! 🙂 Friday night was a party […] Read more…

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