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Earlier in October, I signed the paperwork to be a LuLaRoe Fashion Consultant, which I announced in this blog post.

Since then, I have been patiently (sort of) waiting to get my official “onboarding” phone call, expected about 8 weeks or so after that initial paperwork was submitted. I also immediately began the process of getting myself ready to sell LuLaRoe – purchasing supplies, watching training videos, asking questions of other consultants, working out the financial arrangements, etc. (This is what I do. I plan, I study, I gather information, I get prepared. This is me.)

It’s all a mix of excitement (mostly) and some freak-out nerves (once in a while). What am I getting myself into? Can I actually do this? Will I have the time? How will this fit in with my full-time job?

Truth – I am not a person who typically takes a lot of chances, especially when there is a pretty significant monetary investment involved. I am organized, I research my decisions, and I don’t just throw money or support at just anything. I have never done direct sales like this ever. 

So why LuLaRoe?

This is probably not surprising: I love my family and want to provide some extra cushion every month financially for us. Like everyone else, we have expenses that we must cover (new roof, for instance – ugh!), expenses we’re anticipating (a driver in the family within just a few years – whaat?), and fun stuff like all these trips we want to take as a family. (If you didn’t already know this about us, we LOVE to travel!) A little cushion will help us with the both the boring and the amazing.

Weekend snaps + some news | via

I believe in this clothing line. I think it’s so fun to wear while also being comfortable and affordable and super versatile – plus, sizes and designs fit a wide range of sizes and body types. I love that. And I love the idea of putting outfits together and helping women feel good about how they look. 

LuLaRoe | My Why via

My gut tells me I can do this. And I am excited about the challenges ahead. I need challenges in my life or I get bored. (Can anyone else relate?) This takes me in a new direction, and I’m not going to lie. At age 48, this intrigues me and I can’t wait to get started. 

LuLaRoe | My Why via

The idea of being my own boss – an entrepreneur of sorts – is really kind of thrilling. When I was a little girl, I often played “Book Store”. I set up my own store in our family room, spread out all the books I had (I was a huge reader so I had A LOT of books), and pretended to sell them. I was also one of those kids who went to the neighbors’ homes to sell Christmas cards to earn prizes. (Weird, right? I can’t believe I did that!) When I was in college and studying journalism, I thought it would be fairly awesome to own my own weekly newspaper so I would have oversight over the entire process. One of the many things I love about my “day job” is that I am trusted with a lot of autonomy to make my job my own and seek out success on behalf of the farmers I work for. Fast forward a couple of decades (plus!) and here I am, about to embark on this LuLaRoe journey. 

I am a bit of a late bloomer (not surprising – this is the story of my life), but this decision feels right to me, right now.

Will there be challenges? Sure thing. Will I have days where I will wonder if I have the time to do all that I do? No doubt. But Teacher Man and Joe are fully supportive (and will be my behind-the-scenes helpers, when needed!) and the worries I may have are outweighed by the excitement of starting a new adventure and the hope that it will benefit my family in many ways. 

My family.

My passion.

My LuLaRoe.

My why.

Bring it on! (And watch for details soon on how you can follow along if you want to!)

xoxo – Lara

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4 Comments on LuLaRoe: My Why

  1. Good for you! I seriously considered getting into selling Lularoe, but as you mentioned, it was a huge financial commitment! And I’ve never been a big risk taker! I wish you nothing but the best on this journey!

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