My confession for the night: I got totally distracted this evening and now that it’s 10 p.m., I don’t really have the energy to post a recipe. 

I went for a run right after work, which morphed afterwards into me listening to the new Justin Timberlake song about 15 times while watering my gardens. Joe, who was mowing lawn at the time, was typically horrified to see his mother dancing around the yard. 😉 But man, that song is just so infectious!

Then after supper, I helped Joe set up his new computer, which he bought with his own money saved up since last fall. And if you’ve ever set up a new computer, then you know it always takes more time than you think it will. All went smoothly, at least so far, and Joe loves his new system. He’s had a great school year (straight A’s!) and has been very focused and responsible about his schoolwork, so I’m glad he can celebrate with a new computer. 

When I finally sat down in the porch with my laptop, I got sucked into the latest James Corden Carpool Karaoke episode – a special Broadway edition, which was crazy and insanely fun if you happen to love Broadway tunes. Don’t you just love James Corden Carpool Karaoke?! Check it out here:

So that brings me to 10:15 p.m. with very little energy to do much of anything, much less put together a coherent recipe post. 😉 Instead, I’ll remind you that June is Turkey Lovers’ Month and tell you I’ll be back soon with a new recipe!

June is Turkey Lovers Month | via #tryturkey #serveturkey #switchtoturkey

Now that I think of it, it’s been kind of a goofy day, as evidenced by this text Joe sent me at the end of the school day:

Turkey Tuesday | Distractions via

That’s my goofball boy!

Thanks for understanding my total randomness, which I believe can be good for the soul.  


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