You know what makes me happy right now?

The Good Wife – Good grief do I love this show. It’s smart, funny, emotional … and the music is kick ass. I watch very few other network television shows, but I rarely miss this one. 

Bitmoji – Have you checked out this free app? My coworker tuned me into it and now we’re both a little obsessed. You can create your own personal emoji (I know, right?) and then text the most hilarious versions of you. As an emoji. It is also entirely possible that two women in their mid-40s could sit in a hotel bar in Atlanta and laugh hysterically at all the bitmoji possibilities. Because, really, we just want to be 12 once in awhile.

Bitmoji App | via

Red pepper hummus and Wheat Thins – I am obsessed. 

Running to ABBA Gold – This never gets old. Never. Current faves are “Super Trouper” and “Chiquitita” and I may occasionally fantasize about singing ABBA karaoke. Maybe. Just saying.

My son’s sense of humor – Which is goofy and hilarious and includes the fact that he saves this video clip from Admiral Ackbar in Star Wars to spring on me when I least expect it.  (As in, “Joe, time for confirmation” invariably leads to “It’s a Trap!”. Or “Joe, let’s get going, you’ll be late for school.” Yes, you guessed it, “It’s a Trap!”)

My cowboy boots – I’ve had these for several years, and they aren’t “real” cowboy boots, unless you count buying them at DSW Shoe Warehouse as “real”, which I don’t. But I don’t care and they are completely me.

Cowboy Boots | via

My nephew turning 21 – While hanging with his crazy family last Saturday night. Love that kid!

Silly selfies – Give a 2-year-old your phone and free reign with your sunglasses, and this is likely what you’ll get in return.

Silly Selfie | via

Procrastination – Would I rather write a blog post all about random things that make me happy vs. getting a head start on a project I need to get done this week for work? Um, yes. The answer is always yes.

What’s making you happy right now?


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